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Buy Podcast Rating and Review iTunes

Buying in Podcast Ratings and Reviews on iTunes offers a powerful leverage for podcasters looking to elevate their show’s status and attract a wider audience. High ratings and positive reviews not only enhance your podcast’s appeal to potential listeners but also significantly improve its visibility on the platform. These elements are crucial in influencing iTunes’ algorithm, favoring your podcast in search results and recommendations, thus driving organic growth. Additionally, ratings and reviews serve as social proof to new listeners, indicating the quality and reliability of your content, which can encourage more people to give your podcast a chance. 

Furthermore, a strong collection of positive feedback can attract attention from sponsors and advertisers, opening up monetization opportunities for your podcast. Overall, buying Podcast Ratings and Reviews on iTunes is an effective strategy to boost your presence, credibility, and success on one of the most influential podcasting platforms.


  • Enhanced Visibility
  • Increased Credibility
  • Organic Listener Growth
  • Sponsorship Opportunities
  • Competitive Edge

Optimizing your iTunes profile with a balanced mix of Streams, Downloads, and Podcast Promotion can lead to improved statistics and better placement on iTunes playlists.

What are podcast ratings and reviews on iTunes?

Podcast ratings and reviews on iTunes, now part of Apple Podcasts, are feedback mechanisms that allow listeners to rate a podcast on a scale (typically from one to five stars) and leave written comments about their listening experience. These ratings and reviews are crucial for podcasters for several reasons. Firstly, they provide valuable feedback from the audience, offering insights into what listeners enjoy or what could be improved. Secondly, high ratings and positive reviews enhance a podcast’s visibility on the platform, influencing its ranking in search results and its likelihood of being featured in curated lists or recommendations. This increased visibility can lead to greater audience growth and engagement. 

Lastly, ratings and reviews act as social proof to potential new listeners, signaling the quality and popularity of the podcast, which can encourage more people to start listening. Essentially, podcast ratings and reviews on iTunes are key indicators of a podcast’s reputation and success on the platform.

Buy Podcast Rating and Review iTunes

Is it safe to buy podcast ratings and reviews for iTunes?

Buying Podcast Ratings and Reviews for iTunes from represents a secure and authentic approach to enhancing your podcast’s reputation and visibility. This reputable platform commits to providing real, genuine engagement, ensuring that all ratings and reviews come from active users who genuinely interact with your content. Such an approach not only aligns with iTunes’ policies, safeguarding your podcast from any potential violations that could harm your standing on the platform but also contributes positively to your podcast’s organic growth and credibility among listeners. 

On the other hand, opting for ratings and reviews from low-quality websites can be risky. These services often use bots or fake accounts to generate feedback, leading to inauthentic engagement that can violate iTunes’ terms of service and potentially result in punitive actions against your podcast, including removal from the platform. Therefore, for podcasters seeking a reliable way to improve their iTunes ratings and reviews without compromising their integrity, choosing for genuine promotional services is the advisable and safe option, avoiding the pitfalls associated with dubious providers.

How can I buy podcast ratings and reviews for iTunes?

Buying Podcast Ratings and Reviews for iTunes is an incredibly straightforward process designed to effortlessly enhance your podcast’s standing on the platform. Initially, you need to visit a reputable service provider like, where you will find a simple interface prompting you to enter the URL of your podcast episode or channel in the specified field. This ensures that the ratings and reviews are accurately targeted to benefit your content. Next, you’re presented with options to select the quantity of ratings and reviews that fit your needs and budget, providing you with the flexibility to tailor your promotional efforts. After making your selection, completing the order involves a secure payment process, and finalizing your campaign setup. 

Within just a few hours, your order will commence, and you’ll begin to see the positive impact of your purchase as soon as iTunes updates its listener statistics. This method offers a hassle-free solution to boost your podcast’s credibility and visibility, attracting more listeners and elevating your podcast’s profile on iTunes.

  1. Input your episode or channel link.
  2. Select the quantity you want.
  3. Complete your order.
  4. The order starts in a few hours.
  5. See increased downloads after iTunes updates.

Can you buy podcast ratings?

Engaging in the purchase of podcast ratings is not a practice supported by credible promotion services, including Trusted platforms like focus on authentic promotional strategies designed to organically grow your podcast’s audience through genuine engagement and exposure. Buying podcast ratings can lead to negative consequences, such as penalties from podcast directories, loss of credibility with your audience, and potential harm to your reputation., as a trusted source in the industry, emphasizes the importance of building an authentic listener base and engaging genuinely with your audience. They offer services that aim to enhance visibility and listener engagement through legitimate means, ensuring that any growth in ratings or listenership comes from real, interested individuals, thus preserving the integrity of your podcast and fostering sustainable growth.

What podcast is number 1?

As of the most recent search, the number one podcast is “Three Wavland.” It’s important to note that podcast rankings can fluctuate frequently based on listener engagement, new releases, and other factors. For the most current rankings, checking a reliable podcast chart or platform directly would provide the latest information.

How much can I sell a podcast for?

The amount you can sell a podcast for varies widely and depends on several factors, including its revenue, audience size and engagement, brand strength, niche, and growth potential. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer, but here are key elements that can influence the sale price:

  • Revenue: Profitable podcasts with income from ads, sponsorships, or sales attract higher offers due to clear ROI.
  • Audience: A large, engaged listener base boosts value over sheer numbers. Engagement includes interactions and purchases.
  • Brand and Niche: Strong branding or dominance in a specific niche increases the appeal and potential price.
  • Content: High-quality content and any unique intellectual property (music, trademarks) enhance a podcast’s worth.
  • Growth Potential: Podcasts with prospects for audience or revenue growth command higher prices.
  • Operational Costs: Production costs affect valuation, including equipment and staffing expenses.

In practice, podcast sales can range from a few thousand dollars for smaller, niche podcasts to millions for top-rated shows with substantial revenues and broad audiences. Some high-profile podcast deals have reportedly been in the tens of millions, reflecting the growing market and interest in digital content.

If you’re considering selling your podcast, it might be helpful to consult with a business broker or a media company experienced in valuing and selling digital properties. They can provide a more tailored estimation based on your podcast’s specific circumstances.

How many podcast followers is good?

Defining “good” in terms of podcast followers can vary significantly based on several factors including the podcast’s niche, goals, and stage of development. However, here are some general benchmarks:

  • Starting Out: For a new podcast, reaching 100 to 500 followers can be a solid start, indicating initial interest and a base to build upon.
  • Growth Phase: As you grow, hitting 1,000 to 5,000 followers suggests a developing podcast that’s starting to resonate with its audience. This level can also open opportunities for sponsorships on a small scale.
  • Established Podcasts: 5,000 to 10,000 followers or more signify a well-established podcast. At this stage, more significant sponsorship deals and monetization opportunities become viable.
  • Highly Successful: Podcasts with tens of thousands of followers are considered highly successful. They often have a dedicated listener base, strong brand partnerships, and substantial influence in their niche.

It’s important to remember that follower count is just one metric of success. Engagement rates, such as the number of downloads per episode, listener interactions, and retention rates, are equally, if not more, important. A podcast with a smaller, highly engaged audience can be more appealing to specific sponsors than one with a larger but less engaged following. 

Success should also be measured against your personal or business goals for the podcast—whether that’s building a community, sharing knowledge, or supporting a business.

Who is the best podcaster in the world?

Identifying the “best” podcaster in the world can be subjective and depends on various factors such as the genre of the podcast, listener preferences, download statistics, and critical acclaim. However, several podcasters and shows are frequently cited for their popularity, impact, and quality across a broad audience. Some notable names include:

  • Joe Rogan of “The Joe Rogan Experience” is often mentioned due to the massive reach of his podcast, which covers a wide range of topics from comedy to philosophy and interviews with guests from diverse fields.
  • Marc Maron with his podcast “WTF with Marc Maron,” where he conducts in-depth interviews with comedians, actors, musicians, and writers, is highly regarded for his interviewing skills and the depth of conversation.
  • Ira Glass of “This American Life” is celebrated for storytelling and investigative journalism, presenting a single theme through a variety of stories in each episode.
  • Sarah Koenig is known for “Serial,” a groundbreaking investigative journalism podcast that has won several awards and is credited with bringing podcasting into the mainstream.
  • Terry Gross of “Fresh Air” provides compelling interviews with figures from various spheres, including arts, culture, and politics, showcasing her deep understanding of a wide range of subjects.

Each of these podcasters has contributed significantly to the medium, gaining large followings and influencing countless other podcasters. The “best” among them would depend on individual listener tastes, whether they prefer comedy, in-depth interviews, storytelling, investigative journalism, or something else entirely.

What is the best podcast episode ever?

Determining the “best” podcast episode ever is highly subjective and varies widely depending on listener preferences, interests, and the podcast genre they enjoy most. However, certain episodes have gained significant recognition for their impact, storytelling, investigative journalism, or unique content, resonating with a broad audience. Here are a few notable episodes across various genres that have been highly acclaimed or have made a significant impact:

  1. “This American Life” – Episode 355: “The Giant Pool of Money”: This episode is often credited with helping a wide audience understand the 2008 financial crisis in a clear, engaging manner. It’s a masterclass in explanatory journalism.
  2. “Serial” – Season 1, Episode 1: “The Alibi”: The first episode of “Serial” introduced millions to the intricacies of the case of Adnan Syed, captivating listeners with its investigative depth and storytelling style, and is often credited with popularizing podcasts.
  3. “The Joe Rogan Experience” – Episode #1315 with Bob Lazar & Jeremy Corbell: Joe Rogan’s interview with Bob Lazar, who claims to have worked on alien spacecraft at Area 51, fascinated listeners with discussions about UFOs and government secrets.
  4. “Radiolab” – “Colors”: This episode explores the concept of colors in a way only Radiolab can, blending science, philosophy, and art into an audio masterpiece that’s both educational and profoundly entertaining.
  5. “Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History” – “Blueprint for Armageddon”: This series within the podcast dives deep into the history of World War I, showcasing Dan Carlin’s ability to make complex history accessible and gripping.
  6. “Reply All” – Episode #158 “The Case of the Missing Hit”: A man can’t get a song out of his head because he can’t find any evidence that it ever existed. The episode is a thrilling journey to uncover a song that seems to have vanished.

These episodes are just a small sampling of the diverse and rich content available in the world of podcasts. The “best” episode for any individual listener might be one that makes them laugh, teaches them something new, deeply moves them, or changes their perspective on an issue.

How much do podcasters make?

The income of podcasters varies widely, influenced by factors like audience size, monetization strategies, niche, and frequency of episodes. Here’s a general breakdown:

  • Starting Podcasters: Many starting podcasters may not make any money initially as they work to build their audience. It’s common for new podcasts to focus on content quality and audience growth before seeking monetization.
  • Mid-Level Podcasters: Podcasters with a growing audience (thousands to tens of thousands of listeners per episode) can start to generate income through various channels. They might earn a few hundred to a few thousand dollars per episode, primarily from sponsorships, advertising, and listener donations. The average rate for podcast advertising is often quoted as $18 to $50 CPM (cost per mille, or cost per 1,000 listeners), depending on the podcast’s niche and audience engagement.
  • Successful Podcasters: Established podcasters with large, dedicated audiences (100,000+ listeners per episode) can earn significantly more, potentially thousands to tens of thousands of dollars per episode. Income streams are similar but on a larger scale, including sponsorships, premium content subscriptions, merchandise, and live events.
  • Top Podcasters: The most successful podcasters, those at the very top of the industry, can make millions annually. This includes podcasters like Joe Rogan, who secured a reported $100 million licensing deal with Spotify. These earnings come from a mix of high-value sponsorships, exclusive platform deals, and extensive merchandise sales.

Additional revenue streams for podcasters can include affiliate marketing, offering paid courses or services, and crowdfunding platforms like Patreon. The key to monetization often lies in growing a loyal and engaged audience, delivering consistent, high-quality content, and effectively leveraging multiple revenue streams tailored to the podcast’s audience and subject matter.

What percent of podcasts fail?

Quantifying the exact percentage of podcasts that “fail” is challenging due to the subjective nature of what constitutes failure in podcasting. Failure could mean different things depending on the goals of the podcast—whether it’s building a large audience, generating significant revenue, or achieving a specific personal or professional aim. However, it’s widely acknowledged in the industry that a significant number of podcasts do not continue long-term for various reasons. 

Several factors contribute to the discontinuation or perceived failure of podcasts:

  • Podfade: This term describes podcasts that start strong but gradually (or suddenly) stop releasing new episodes. Podfade often occurs within the first 10 to 20 episodes. Estimates suggest that a substantial portion of podcasts experience podfade, though specific percentages can vary.
  • Audience Engagement: Many podcasts struggle to build or maintain a significant listener base. With millions of active podcasts available, standing out and capturing a dedicated audience can be challenging.
  • Monetization Challenges: Generating revenue from podcasting requires a sizable and engaged audience, which can be difficult for new or niche podcasts to achieve. The inability to monetize can discourage podcasters from continuing.
  • High Expectations vs. Reality: Some creators may enter podcasting with expectations of quick success, including rapid audience growth and easy monetization. The realization that podcasting requires consistent effort, quality content creation, and effective promotion can lead to reevaluation of their commitment.
  • Resource and Time Constraints: Producing a podcast involves significant time and resources, including recording, editing, marketing, and engagement efforts. Personal or financial constraints can lead to a podcast’s discontinuation.

While there isn’t a concrete statistic on the percentage of podcasts that fail, industry observations indicate that many podcasts do not become long-term projects. Success in podcasting typically requires persistence, quality content, strategic promotion, and often a willingness to evolve based on feedback and changing audience interests.

Is 5000 downloads for a podcast good?

Yes, achieving 5,000 downloads for a podcast episode is generally considered good and signifies a level of success and audience interest. In the context of podcasting, where the number of listeners can vary widely across shows and genres, 5,000 downloads per episode indicate a solid listener base, especially for podcasts that are not backed by major media companies or do not have significant promotional budgets.

To put this into perspective, it’s helpful to understand that the podcast market is saturated with a wide range of shows, many of which struggle to surpass a few hundred downloads per episode. According to industry data and benchmarks:

  • Libsyn, one of the largest podcast hosting services, has suggested that if an episode gets over 1,200 downloads in the first 30 days, it’s performing better than 50% of other shows.
  • Episodes that achieve 5,000 downloads in the first 30 days are doing significantly better, often placing them in a more competitive percentile, such as the top 20% or higher of all podcasts.

The significance of 5,000 downloads also depends on other factors, including:

  • Niche and Target Audience: For podcasts targeting a specific or niche audience, 5,000 downloads can be particularly impressive, indicating strong engagement within that community.
  • Monetization and Sponsorship Potential: Reaching this level of downloads per episode can attract the attention of advertisers looking to partner with podcasts that have an engaged audience.
  • Growth Trends: If a podcast is consistently reaching or surpassing 5,000 downloads and showing signs of audience growth, it’s a positive indicator of the show’s trajectory and potential for further success.

Ultimately, while 5,000 downloads is a noteworthy milestone, the goals and measures of success can vary depending on the podcast’s specific objectives, the effort put into promotion, and how engaged the audience is beyond just downloading episodes.


Does this service provide genuine podcast ratings and reviews for iTunes?

Yes, this service delivers genuine podcast ratings and reviews for iTunes from real, engaged listeners.

Is there a risk of getting banned for purchasing iTunes podcast ratings and reviews?

No, there’s no risk of getting banned when purchasing from reputable sources that provide authentic iTunes podcast ratings and reviews, like This platform ensures the services come from real, active users, making it a safe and effective way to enhance your podcast’s presence without risking your account.

When can I expect to see the results of purchasing podcast ratings and reviews?

You’ll see results a few hours after your order, especially once iTunes updates its stats.

What to do if my order is not delivered?

If your order is not delivered, contact our customer service immediately to report the issue and request assistance or a refund.

Who can I contact for further assistance?

For further help, please reach out to our online support, located on the bottom right of the website.

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